Summer Celebration 2019

Celebrating the best of #TeamGuidant EMEA

By Steph Dyke, Marketing Manager

Every year the whole of #TeamGuidant EMEA gets together at our annual Summer Celebration. But 2019’s event was especially important to us as it’s our first year together as Guidant Global — having merged with our sister company Bartech last October.

It’s always an eagerly anticipated day in our calendar, giving everyone the opportunity to catch up in person (we’re often based on client sites so don’t see each other every day), share best practice, embed our strategy and celebrate our successes.

This year we’ve doubled in size, expanded our operations into 80 countries and jumped over 40 places on the Sunday Times best companies list so there was rather a lot to celebrate at The Belfry on a sunny day in July.

Diversity and inclusion and innovation are always high up on our agenda but at Guidant Global, we know that it’s our people that truly make the difference — they are at the heart of everything we do and our people-centric approach is embedded into every area of our business. That’s why we also use our Summer Celebration to recognise and award exceptional individuals that embody our strengths, truly showcase what it means to be #TeamGuidant and champion our purpose of delivering #ABetterWay. And what makes these awards even more special? Every nominee and winner were voted for by their colleagues across the business.

After a busy day of learning, sharing, recognising and awarding, in the evening, we were all ready to let our hair down. We made it our mission to eat as much as we could from the barbeque (the halloumi didn’t last long!), get glittered-up, play mini-golf to the best of our ability (mixed results here…), pose to our hearts content in the photo booth (which comes naturally to many) and dance the night away! Have a look at the photos for some of the evidence.

Congrats to our all our amazing award winners and thanks to every single one of our team for making this the most memorable of events. Here’s to another record-breaking year at #TeamGuidant.

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