
Work Life Week | Steph's story

By Steph Dyke, Marketing Manager

​A recent FlexJobs survey found that 84% of working parents agree work flexibility is the number one most important factor or benefit in a job – even more so than salary! So, to conclude our #TeamGuidant National Work Life Week case studies, here’s my story as a working mum.

Flexible working enables me to be the best I can be in both my jobs; as Marketing Manager for our Talent Marketing Team and also being a mummy to my daughter, Chloe, who is 3 and a half. There are times in both roles where I wonder how to deal with certain situations in the best way – but one definitely involves a lot less playdough hidden down the sofa or talking about Barbie and Paw Patrol than the other!

I’ve worked in a Marketing-related role for over 10 years now, with a focus on recruitment marketing since 2012. Being able to work flexibly means that I can continue to give my all to my career, without the worry that I’m going to be late picking up Chloe, or losing out on spending valuable time with her while she’s still young. Flexible working is give and take; but if you work hard, why shouldn’t you be able to fit that hard work around other commitments in order to keep performing to the best of your ability?

When I found out I was expecting my daughter, I was working as a Senior Marketing Executive for another recruitment company, I quickly felt that attending midwife appointments and antenatal classes wasn’t overly convenient, and began to notice I wasn’t being involved with bigger projects at work.

My boss at the time without thinking referred to my return to work after maternity leave as ‘when you’re back to normal’ and ‘when you’re better’, before quickly moving the conversation along. It was there and then that I decided I wanted to find a new job when returning to work, as the prospect of leaving Chloe at nursery and returning to work life was already overwhelming and I didn’t want to make it any more stressful than it needed to be.

And don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t easy - I worried a lot that I wouldn’t be good enough. I worried that the recruitment industry and marketing trends would have moved on so much in the year I’d been at home and I would be behind in my knowledge. I worried I’d be exhausted and have no energy, I worried about buying new work outfits as everything from pre-Chloe was far too small, but above all, I worried there’d be an emergency which I would need to attend to – and I didn’t want to be based somewhere where that wouldn’t have been accepted.

I heard about a Senior Marketing Executive role at Guidant through a good friend of mine who also works here and has done for over 12 years – which gave me a great feeling from the start. At the interview, my now boss made me feel comfortable and confident talking about what I knew best! I instantly knew the culture at Guidant was something I wanted to be a part of, on top of the role being an exciting opportunity which I felt I could really develop in and be innovative with.

It was a daunting day commuting in to London and starting a new job whilst leaving Chloe for her first full day at nursery. But soon the months flew by, and I fell straight into feeling my job and career was equally a separate and rewarding part of my life to being a mum. I think a huge part of that is down to the flexible and friendly culture.

After a year, I was promoted to Marketing Manager and we have now grown to a multi-award winning team of five! There are days where I need to work from home (like today as I post this!) or unexpectedly need to leave early – but I know my team understand and in return, they also value the importance of flexible working around their own unique life commitments too.

The flexibility I’ve been given at Guidant is something I’m so grateful for; quite simply, they’ve enabled me to build a rewarding career as well as give my daughter the time and attention she deserves!